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Setting up a Company in Ireland - What is the Role of a Company Secretary

The role of a Company Secretary is an essential part of setting up and running a company in Ireland. The Companies Act 2014 stipulates that every company must have a company secretary. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the company meets all its legal and regulatory obligations. This includes filing annual reports, attending shareholders' meetings, managing the internal organisation of the business, and ensuring compliance with government regulations.


Company secretaries must have a thorough understanding of the Companies Act 2014, as well as any other relevant legislation. They ensure that all regulations are adhered to and any necessary actions taken in order to comply with the law. Company secretaries also maintain corporate records and keep accurate financial accounts in accordance with accepted accounting standards.

In addition, company secretaries play an important role in ensuring that the company complies with its statutory obligations, and have the power to represent the organisation in legal matters. They are also responsible for preparing board papers and attending board meetings.

It is important to remember that a company secretary is not just a name on paper – they are an integral part of running a successful business in Ireland. They can help protect the company by fulfilling all its legal requirements and ensuring that the company is run in an efficient and compliant manner. It is therefore essential to appoint a competent and experienced individual when setting up a business in Ireland.

The role of the company secretary is an important one when setting up a business in Ireland. They are responsible for ensuring that all legal requirements are met and the company operates according to the accepted regulations.

For more information about our services, you can visit our page Setting up a company in Ireland - Top Frequently Asked Questions


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