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Moving to Ireland from the UK

Ireland offers a perfect balance of peace of mind and opportunity, thanks to its breathtaking natural scenery, vibrant culture, and business-friendly environment.

Move to ireland from uk

Ireland has consistently been a go-to location for high-earners.

Ireland has long been a popular destination for wealthy or high-net-worth individuals looking for a change of scenery and a new place to call home. With its stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and thriving business environment, Ireland offers a unique blend of relaxation and opportunity. If you're a high earner or a wealthy individual considering moving to Ireland from the UK after Brexit, there are a few key things you'll need to be aware of.

Attractive tax environment

One of the main draws of Ireland for wealthy individuals is its attractive tax environment. The country has a low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, and there are a number of tax incentives and reliefs available for individuals and double taxation treaties with 76 countries. 

Additionally, for high earners, Ireland offers an attractive “Residence Non-Dom” tax incentive which can make it an attractive location for certain wealthy individuals. We are Ireland's number 1 Non-Dom advisory firm. 

Bank Account in Ireland


High standard of living

Ireland is the perfect location for families of High Net Worth Individuals and other affluent individuals. From stunning coastal views to world-class amenities, Ireland offers luxurious living with abundant comfort and convenience. Residents benefit from prestigious neighborhoods that boast an exceptional quality of life complete with top educational institutions, first-rate healthcare services, and vibrant cultural activities!

The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) releases its Global Peace Index every year (We’ll update this article once the latest 2023 index gets released). The top 5 safest countries in the world for 2023 are:

  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Ireland
  4. Denmark
  5. Austria
In fact, according to Eurostat, it had the second lowest rate of violent crime in the European Union.

Thriving business environment and entrepreneurial spirit

With its strong and supportive business infrastructure, Ireland is a remarkable hub for entrepreneurs looking to launch their innovative concepts. A global leader in entrepreneurship, the country has been rated as one of the top countries worldwide for doing business -- boasting numerous thriving tech companies and successful startups.

Additionally, there are a variety of different business structures to choose from, including limited companies, partnerships, and sole traders. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consult with a us to determine which one is right for you.

Be aware of the potential challenges

Moving abroad, especially to a country like Ireland with its unique history and culture, is an exciting opportunity. But it's important for wealthy individuals relocating there to also be mindful of potential challenges they may face in regards to local bureaucracy and regulations - something that can easily become daunting unless adequately prepared for beforehand.

Understanding Ireland's complex laws and taxes can seem daunting, but with the right guidance you'll have all your permits and licences secured quickly. To ensure a stress-free experience, work with an experienced professional who can provide advice on how to navigate this process successfully.



Unique blend of relaxation and opportunity for wealthy individuals

Ireland is a perfect blend of relaxation and opportunity, making it an ideal choice for wealthy individuals in search of new frontiers. From its attractive tax environment to the affluence associated with living there, Ireland provides considerable benefits as well as assistance throughout the relocation process so you can make your transition seamless.


Condé Nast readers recently voted Ireland as the friendliest country in Europe:

"Countless global reports have continually dubbed the people of Ireland as some of the friendliest and most welcoming to visitors in the world"

If considering relocating to Ireland has been on your radar lately, it's worth exploring further – after all, moving here could be one of the best decisions ever made!

Benefits of Moving to Ireland After Anticipated UK Non-Dom Tax Changes from April 2025


Favorable Non-Dom Tax Regime

Ireland offers a non-domicile tax regime that is less restrictive and more straightforward compared to the new UK regulations. Non-domiciled individuals in Ireland are only taxed on foreign income and gains when they are remitted to Ireland, with no remittance basis charge or complex transitional provisions.

Stability and Predictability

The Irish tax system provides greater stability and predictability. Unlike the UK's proposed changes, Ireland has maintained a consistent non-dom regime, offering long-term planning advantages for individuals and businesses.

No Remittance Basis Charge

Unlike the UK's annual remittance basis charge, Ireland does not impose such fees. This absence of charges makes Ireland a more attractive destination for non-domiciled individuals looking to optimize their tax situation without additional costs.

Fewer Anti-Avoidance Rules

Ireland's non-dom regime has fewer anti-avoidance rules compared to the UK. This simplicity reduces the administrative burden and allows non-domiciled individuals to enjoy the benefits of the regime without intricate compliance requirements.

Attractive Living Conditions

Ireland offers a high quality of life, with a vibrant culture, an excellent education system, and strong economic opportunities. Coupled with its favourable tax regime, Ireland is an appealing destination for those affected by the UK’s tax changes.

For non-domiciled individuals facing uncertainty due to the UK's new tax regulations, Ireland presents a stable, straightforward, and financially advantageous alternative. 

Start planning your move to Ireland now!

We help business owners and investors with a high-level service to help them reduce their taxes, get Irish residency/citizenship and live in Ireland. 

Our Platinum Non-Dom service enables high earners and high net-worth individuals to:

  • Legally reduce their taxes
  • Move your personal and business life to Ireland & the EU
  • Get Irish residency/citizenship
  • Unlock international tax-free investment opportunities
  • Avail the benefits of the remittance basis of taxation

This is for clients with pre-tax income of over €500,000 and a net worth of over €2m. In most cases, there is a retainer of €15,000.  

Are you on a quest for the ultimate lifestyle of happiness and financial freedom? Basing yourself in Ireland could be your best bet to achieve this dream. Let us help you with an achievable plan that brings you closer to achieving your goals!


Get in Contact with us!

If you are looking for help with your move to Ireland from the UK, we are here to help you.

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